Sex & Gender Equality

Advocating for equal pay: NEU Trafford campaigns for equal pay for all education professionals, regardless of their gender.

Challenging gender stereotypes: NEU Trafford works to challenge gender stereotypes in education. This includes promoting gender-neutral language and resources, and supporting initiatives that encourage girls and boys to study subjects that are traditionally associated with the opposite sex.

Protecting the rights of transgender and gender non-conforming staff: NEU Trafford supports the rights of transgender and gender non-conforming staff. This includes providing guidance and support to members who are transitioning.

Promoting women's leadership: NEU Trafford is committed to promoting women's leadership in education. This includes providing training and development opportunities for women in education.

Tackling sexual harassment and discrimination: NEU Trafford takes sexual harassment and discrimination very seriously. We provide guidance and support to members who have experienced sexual harassment or discrimination.

Who can I contact if I have been discriminated against because of my sex?

Equality Now

This is an international human rights organization that works to promote women's rights. They can provide support and resources for women who have experienced sex discrimination.


This is the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service. They can provide advice and support on a range of workplace issues, including discrimination.

The Fawcett Society

This UK-based feminist organization campaigns for gender equality. They can provide advice and support on workplace issues, including discrimination.

National Education Union

Support and guidance from the NEU on the steps to take if you think you have been discriminated against.