What is the view of NEU Trafford in relation to equality?

Ensuring equal opportunities for all our members, preventing discrimination in our schools and colleges, as well as removing obstacles from our members' paths to participation, representation, and advancement are among some of our top priorities.

What are the main equality strands NEU Trafford focuses on?

Here are some of the specific equality strands we are currently campaigning on:

  • Sex and gender equality  

  • Race equality

  • LGBT+ equality  

  • Disability equality

How does NEU Trafford promote sex and gender equality?

Advocating for equal pay: NEU Trafford campaigns for equal pay for all education professionals, regardless of their gender.

Challenging gender stereotypes: NEU Trafford works to challenge gender stereotypes in education. This includes promoting gender-neutral language and resources, and supporting initiatives that encourage girls and boys to study subjects that are traditionally associated with the opposite sex.

Protecting the rights of transgender and gender non-conforming staff: NEU Trafford supports the rights of transgender and gender non-conforming staff. This includes providing guidance and support to members who are transitioning.

Promoting women's leadership: NEU Trafford is committed to promoting women's leadership in education. This includes providing training and development opportunities for women in education.

Tackling sexual harassment and discrimination: NEU Trafford takes sexual harassment and discrimination very seriously. We provide guidance and support to members who have experienced sexual harassment or discrimination.

How does NEU Trafford promote race equality?

Advocating for a diverse workforce: This includes supporting initiatives that encourage people from ethnic minority backgrounds to enter, remain and flourish in the teaching profession.

Challenging racial stereotypes: NEU Trafford works to challenge racial stereotypes in education. This includes both promoting anti-racist education, and supporting initiatives that promote cultural diversity.

Protecting the rights of ethnic minority staff: NEU Trafford supports the rights of ethnic minority staff as well as providing support and guidance to members who have experienced racial discrimination.

Tackling racism in schools: NEU Trafford takes racism in schools very seriously. We provide guidance and support to members who have experienced racism in their schools and colleges.

How does NEU Trafford promote LGBT+ equality?

Advocating for inclusive policies: NEU Trafford campaigns for inclusive policies that protect the rights of LGBT+ education professionals and pupils. This includes advocating for the inclusion of LGBT+ relationships and families in the curriculum.

Challenging homophobia and biphobia: NEU Trafford works to challenge homophobia and biphobia in education. This includes promoting anti-bullying policies that specifically address LGBT+ bullying, and supporting initiatives that promote LGBT+ inclusion.

Protecting the rights of LGBT+ staff: NEU Trafford supports the rights of LGBT+ staff. This includes providing guidance and support to members who have experienced homophobia or biphobia.

Tackling homophobia and biphobia in schools: NEU Trafford provides guidance and support to members who have experienced homophobia or biphobia

How does NEU Trafford promote disability equality?

Advocating for inclusive policies: NEU Trafford campaigns for inclusive policies across our schools and colleges which protect the rights of disabled education professionals and pupils. This includes supporting the introduction of disability equality legislation, and advocating for the inclusion of disability awareness in the curriculum.

Protecting the rights of disabled staff: NEU Trafford supports the rights of disabled staff. This includes providing guidance and support to members who have experienced disability discrimination.

Promoting equality in education: NEU Trafford is committed to promoting equality in education for all pupils. This includes supporting initiatives that address the achievement gap between disabled pupils and their peers.

Tackling ableism in schools: NEU Trafford takes ableism in schools very seriously. They provide guidance and support to members who have experienced ableism.