Disability Equality

Advocating for inclusive policies: NEU Trafford campaigns for inclusive policies across our schools and colleges which protect the rights of disabled education professionals and pupils. This includes supporting the introduction of disability equality legislation, and advocating for the inclusion of disability awareness in the curriculum.

Protecting the rights of disabled staff: NEU Trafford supports the rights of disabled staff. This includes providing guidance and support to members who have experienced disability discrimination.

Promoting equality in education: NEU Trafford is committed to promoting equality in education for all pupils. This includes supporting initiatives that address the achievement gap between disabled pupils and their peers.

Tackling ableism in schools: NEU Trafford takes ableism in schools very seriously. They provide guidance and support to members who have experienced ableism.

Who can I contact if I have been discriminated against because of my disability?

Disability Rights UK

This is a national charity that provides information, advice, and support to disabled people and their families.  https://www.disabilityrightsuk.org/

Equality and Human Rights Commission

This is a national body that enforces equality laws in the UK. They can provide advice and support if you believe you have been discriminated against. https://www.equalityhumanrights.com/

Citizens Advice

This is a national charity that provides free, independent advice on a wide range of issues, including disability discrimination. https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/  

Your local disability organization

There may be a local disability organization in your area that can provide support and advice. You can find a list of local organizations on the Disability Rights UK website. https://www.trafford.gov.uk/about-your-council/strategies-plans-and-policies/equality-and-diversity/disability.aspx

National Education Union

Support and guidance from the NEU on the steps to take if you think you have been discriminated against.  https://neu.org.uk/latest/library/disability-discrimination