Race Equality

Advocating for a diverse workforce: This includes supporting initiatives that encourage people from ethnic minority backgrounds to enter, remain and flourish in the teaching profession.

Challenging racial stereotypes: NEU Trafford works to challenge racial stereotypes in education. This includes both promoting anti-racist education, and supporting initiatives that promote cultural diversity.

Protecting the rights of ethnic minority staff: NEU Trafford supports the rights of ethnic minority staff as well as providing support and guidance to members who have experienced racial discrimination.

Tackling racism in schools: NEU Trafford takes racism in schools very seriously. We provide guidance and support to members who have experienced racism in their schools and colleges.

Who can I contact if I have been discriminated against because of my race?

National Education Union

Support and guidance from the NEU on the steps to take if you think you have been discriminated against. https://neu.org.uk/advice/your-rights-work/discrimination-and-harassment/race-discrimination

Race Relations Advisory Centre (RRAC)

The RRAC is a national organization that provides advice and support to people who have experienced racial discrimination. https://irr.org.uk/

Show Racism the Red Card

This is a national campaign that aims to promote racial equality in football and society. They also provide advice and support to people who have experienced racial discrimination. https://www.theredcard.org/